Close up of a guinea pig

13 Facts About Guinea Pigs

Some facts about these fun little creatures

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Guinea pig on the grass

Guinea Pigs as Pets

Guide for pet owners: How to make your guinea pig feel comfortable with you

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Guinea pig on the grass

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Guinea Pigs

Many parents believe that guinea pigs make great first pets for their children. Even though these small animals are considered easy to take care of, they still require time, attention, and proper accommodations that meet their needs. Owning any pet, no matter how small, is still a big responsibility.

Worth Knowing About Guinea Pigs

13 Facts about Guinea Pigs

We’re all aware that guinea pigs are funny little creatures, here are some fun facts about them


A Natural Life for a Guinea pig

Interesting background facts about these lovely rodents


Guinea Pigs – Their History

Where do they come from originally? How did they reach Europe? Where does their name come from?

Guinea pig

How Much Do You Know About Guinea Pigs?

Test your knowledge about this little rodent here!


what we Are doing

FOUR PAWS advocates the responsible handling of companion animals

Guinea Pigs as Pets

Guide for pet owners: What to do to make the little rodents - guinea pigs - feel comfortable with you

Mouse looking out a small wood house

Small Mammals as Pets

Guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, mice, and rats – only for committed families 


A Balanced Diet for a Guinea Pig

Guide for guinea pig owners: They are exclusively plant-eaters (herbivores), feeding only on grass, hay, vegetables and fruit


Putting Guinea Pigs Together

Guide for pet owners: How do you get a harmonic group?


Guinea Pigs – Their Most Common Illnesses

Guide for guinea pig owners: Guinea pigs are generally robust animals. However, certain illnesses tend to affect them more often than others

Guinea pig

Keeping Guinea Pigs in Outdoor Enclosures

The best way to keep guinea pigs is in a garden enclosure all year round, as this simulates their natural environment as closely as possible


Keeping Guinea Pigs in an Apartment

Given the right living conditions, guinea pigs can be kept in an apartment

Guinea pig

Protect Guinea Pigs from Summer Heat

The importance of keeping guinea pigs cool in the summer


Health Checklist for Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are susceptible to a range of diseases. Regular health checks can help you to recognise and deal with problems early on.


Common Mistakes when Keeping Guinea Pigs

Here are some of the most common errors made while keeping guinea pigs


Clicker Training for Guinea Pigs

This method is mostly known from training with dogs

Quinea pig

A small mammal moves in

Tipps to become good small mammals owners as a whole family

Cat and his owner

Responsible Pet Ownership

What you should know?


Animals Are Not Presents

Gifting someone a pet puts them at risk of ending up in shelters

Guinea pig

Do It Yourself!

Build a guinea pig food tree

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