Free range geese

Live Feather Plucking

Live feather plucking harms animals

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Chickens in crates at a sloughterhouse

Live Animal Transport

In the EU alone, 1.5 billion poultry are live transported every year

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Goose scratches himself

10 Facts About Geese

Did you know that geese are good 'guard dogs'?

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Geese & Ducks

Geese and ducks are known for being outgoing and sociable animals, but unfortunately, both are subjected to cruel treatment in the livestock industry. They are subjected by the meat industry, their feathers are used for down in winter fashion and bedding, and the production of the food product 'foie gras' leads to immense suffering.
 Both these farmed birds require a greater freedom of movement and opportunities to engage in natural behaviours such as preening, bathing, and swimming.

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10 Facts about Geese

Did you know that geese are good "guard dogs"?

Foie Gras Production in Bulgaria

Foie Gras

The dark side of a delicacy

A group of geese outside


Every year, billions of ducks and millions of geese endure repeated cruel treatment and poor living conditions to supply down feathers to the fashion and textile industries


10 Facts About Ducks

Did you know that all ducks have highly waterproof feathers?

Zoe was rescued from a fur farm

Shopping Guide for Animal-Friendly Fashion

From wool to down – have a heart for animals when shopping 

Calf farm in Spain

Cruel Practices in Farm Animal Husbandry

Intensive farming systems are causing severe animal cruelty

Happy geese in the wild


Has been working for decades to improve conditions of farm animals

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