Mutilation of Farm Animals

We oppose the adaptation of animals to fit the farm environment

As a consequence of ignoring their basic needs, animals commonly develop unwanted or abnormal behaviours. Instead of changing the causes for these behavioural disorders, merely the symptoms are treated – by mutilating the animals.

Mutilations are procedures that lead to injury, loss of a sensitive parts of the body, or to a change in the external appearance of an animal. They are commonly applied to animals in intensive farming systems. The different procedures, such as disbudding, dehorning, tail docking or beak trimming are deemed necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of inappropriate keeping conditions. Sadly, these mutilations on farm animals are still permitted, often without anaesthesia or even pain relief (depending on the regulations of the country). It used to be commonly believed that young animals do not experience pain to the same extent as older ones, but this assumption has long been proven wrong. Therefore, expert anaesthesia by a vet would always be necessary. But – in contrast to pets, like cats and dogs, where surgeries are always performed with anaesthesia and (multi-modal) pain relief – in the case of farm animals, economic profit takes precedence. Even where extremely painful procedures are undertaken, the well-being of the animals is not considered. Unfortunately, legislators and decision-makers in this area often allow themselves to be influenced by economic factors. Generally, mutilations adapt the animal to the husbandry system to avoid or decrease perceived or real problems. Alternatives often exist, but require more appropriate husbandry (management, care, housing) and may therefore cost more money and time.

Consequences of mutilations

It depends on the exact procedure and type. There are many direct effects of the procedures, like pain, risk of serious damage or disease, consequences of stress, chronic pain perception, loss of (parts of) an anatomical structure (loss of function), loss of integrity, loss of the ability to perform certain demeanours and, in some cases, alteration of normal social behaviour.

What you can do

Besides our lobbying efforts, every consumer can contribute to a change in thinking. Animals’ well-being will only play a role in the economy when demand drops for the cheapest meat and intensive factory farming is scaled down as a result. Find out more about how you can make your lifestyle more animal-friendly through your consumption of food and fashion.

FOUR PAWS demands

A ban of mutilations of farm animals. Farm animal husbandry systems must be adapted to the needs of the animals, and not the other way around – it is essential to not only treat the symptoms, but to eliminate their causes. We strongly support alternative housing with lots of space, free range, suitable breeds, various species-specific enrichment such as occupational material as well as adequate feeds and the opportunity for the animals to fulfil natural behaviours.

Mutilations of Pigs


Mutilations of pigs

Pigs are adapted to the farm environment, instead of vice versa. Learn more!


Mutilations of Cattle


Mutilations of cattle

Cattle are adapted to the farm environment, instead of vice versa. Find out more!


Mutilations of Sheep


Mutilations of sheep

Sheep are adapted to the farm environment, instead of vice versa. Learn more about it!


Mutilations of Goats


Mutilations of goats

Goats are adapted to the farm environment, instead of vice versa. Click here!


Mutilations of Chickens


Mutilations of chickens

Chickens are adapted to the farm environment, instead of vice versa. Find out here!


Mutilations of Waterfowl


Mutilations of waterfowl

Waterfowl are adapted to the farm environment, instead of vice versa. Learn more about it here!


Mutilations of Turkeys


Mutilations of turkeys

Turkeys are adapted to the farm environment, instead of vice versa.
Click here!


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