5 Animal-friendly Ideas for Christmas
A guide for animal lovers
Everybody wants to surprise a loved-one with a special Christmas gift. Often a lot of people do not know that the application on the winter jacket is real fur or the cosy warm blanket is filled with down, which plucked from a living animal. Behind many gifts hide incredible animal suffering.
We have 5 Christmas ideas so that the party can go on without animal suffering.
1. Animals are not gifts
Every year we point out that animals are not gifts. Who gives away an animal, gives away a life! And thus also much responsibility for good keeping, species-appropriate food, costs for veterinary surgeon and supply over the whole life away. Read here why animals are not gifts. Decide instead for an animal sponsorship or donate for animals. This brings joy twice – to the recipient and the animals!
2. Fur is old fashion
Although fur coats are being purchased less and less, even a bit of fur is incredibly cruel to animals. The fur trimming on the hood of a jacket or the fur bobble on a winter cap causes enormous animal suffering. Many people don't even know that they are purchasing real fur. Find out how you can distinguish real fur from fake! Our tip is to avoid all fur trimmings to be on the safe side.
3. Give away animal-friendly alternatives instead of down
Down is still a popular product – especially for filling down jackets, duvets and pillows. But behind down there is often live-plucking: geese and ducks have their feathers torn out on their neck, back, belly and chest by hand. When you are buying down, please pay attention to animal-friendly labels. Our recommendation: don't buy at all! Instead, use alternatives, which are often more functional and usually keep you even warmer!
4. No animal suffering at Christmas dinner
Did you know such gourmet dishes are made by forcefully stuffing high quantities of food mechanically down ducks and geese's throats? Behind the so-called delicacy, foie gras is terrible animal torture. The meat often ends up on the plate as a roast. In the run up to Christmas, millions of turkeys are slaughtered in preparation for Christmas dinner, they are just babies at between 9 and 21 weeks old. If you don't want to do without the Christmas roast, we recommend pay attention to regional organic quality!
Or why not try out our delicious & animal friendly recipes.

5. Sweeten cold days with delicious vegan chocolate
There are many wonderful brands that are tender-melting and animal-free, vegan and environmentally friendly! Look specifically for products that contain no palm oil – preferably from a company that pursues sustainable cultivation methods. By the way: vegan chocolates can also be made yourself.